29 December 2008
Christmas #2 PICS!
Mom (M'pa) watching Chandler open his new kid tough camera! He loves it!!!! Eats batteries though.
Chandler being silly in his presents, trying so hard to be patient! He did really well!
Michelle (my sister) and her boyfriend, Butter (AKA: Deltric) on Christmas Eve.
Rob and Lincoln on Christmas morning
Some snow pictures
Sunday Dec 14, 8 am or so---just beginning!
Sunday Dec 14, 11 am
Saturday Dec 20, 11 am at least 5 inches of snow!
Monday Dec 22, 4 PM 16-18 inches of snow! Chandler didn't mind it, but wasn't the biggest fan.
Monday Dec 22, 12 PM 16-18 inches of snow, this is the most snow I have seen in the Valley, EVER!
28 December 2008
Christmas #1
I did hear that we have 6' of snow up at the cabin (just SW of Mt. St. Helen's). They are saying that we cannot go up there because it's too snowed in. I hope that means there will be water in the lake this coming summer!!! I would love to take Chandler on the boat. Go figure I am talking about summer & it's not even 2009! LOL!
Anyway, We had a nice Christmas. Both boys were spoiled! Surprise. Chandler was blessed with lots of plastic-AKA: Batman gear. He also got his own digital camera and dvd player from my mom. My MIL got him a ton of clothes which were very much needed! And socks! WOO! Lincoln got diaper covers (yay) and clothes, lots of clothes. He got a couple toys but let's face it at 6 mo, he needs clothes more than toys.
Rob and I bought a video camera for ourselves. It was a splurge but a nice thing for the boys. We also were given a deep fryer, which Rob tested out today making onion rings and frys for his poker gang.
I truly feel blessed with what we have been given this year (not in physical gifts, but in all aspects of life). We have completed our family, with the addition of Lincoln, which is the best gift of all. I pray that 2009 is as blessed as 2008, with the exception of additonal children (TEE HEE)!
Now we prepare for the OSU bowl game on Wednesday! We play in the Sun Bowl in El Paso, Tx at 5 PM (I think). Go Beavers!!!
22 December 2008
Chandler hasn't really played in it, but he keeps asking to play in the snow. Lincoln is oblivious, but screamed when it was cold and has snowflakes on his face. Ha. I have some pictures, but nothing as beautiful as it is this morning. So I am going to add more later today.
We are going to trek to the mall (2 miles away) to finish Christmas shopping, since Rob has waited until there is a foot of snow and it's 2 days before Christmas. Feh. So we'll be out and about again, doing our thing today.
Pictures to come soon!
12 December 2008
UPDATE:Ipods... A love/hate relationship: How to upgrade your iPod hard drive!
So the fix didn't work for my Ipod... I think it's actually a motherboard issue. Oh well... No biggie, I was given a new Ipod Touch 16GB for Christmas (Thanks Mom!!!). Now the old ones are being tossed! Woo! This new Ipod is amazing! It even has Wi-Fi! Unbelieveable! :) I am in love... I wish I could have an Iphone now. Drool!
So I have had an Ipod for some years now, I belive I started with a 3G and now have a 5G U2 edition. Love them...But also hate them at the same time! My 3G is still sitting in my drawer w/ a broken hard drive. After replacing it with my 5G, I couldn't get rid of it, for some stupid reason... Fast forward to 3 weeks ago. My newer one decided to do the SAME thing. Broken hard drive. Well we don't have the cash to replace it, so I did some fancy googling and learned how to replace the hard drive. WOO!
So I cracked open my Ipod and pulled out the hard drive and figured out what model HD I'd need. Off to eBay to buy one, because you can't get them in stores. I actually thought Fry's might have them and when I called, the person said I couldn't replace the HD but he'd love to sell me a new one! Right, I'll be right there (insert sarcasam here). So I bought the new HD and waited... and waited...and waited.
It came yesterday and I put it in, following the instructions I read on a blog (link below). And then I got it to work, well at least the apple logo and sad faced Ipod came on. But I was having trouble getting it to go into disk mode. Well today I sat down and pulled the HD back out and dinked (techinical term) with it.
And it worked! YAY! I was so excited! It's still acting funny, makes me think the motherboard is not happy, but it's playing my Christmas music and frankly I just need that and my Beethoven at night. So if I can play that I'll be happy. But when I opened iTunes, I realized I have 3200 files on my iPod! Wow.
So anyway, here's the link to how to replace your hard drive on your iPod, including model numbers for all generations of iPods!
29 November 2008
Singing Christmas Tree!
Rob went to the opening show yesterday and took video of 2 songs. Here are the 2 songs in 1 video (my test at video editing-very basic). The first song is I heard the Bells on Christmas Day w/ Dona Nobis, featuring the adult and youth choirs and Timothy Greenidge. The second song is I Heard Three Ships featuring the Adult Choir and the Bells of the Cascades (a bell choir).
If you have never been to see the show, you have to come. The Singing Christmas Tree has been singing to Portland for 46 years!
We have 6 more shows left! Come see us!!! Tickets are going fast, and even a couple shows are sold out! For more info check out: http://www.singingchristmastree.org/
22 November 2008
Lincoln laughs
Picture time!
13 November 2008
Lincoln is 4 months!!!
Wisdom Teeth...
My jaw is sore and I can only open it up 1/2" or so but I am hanging in there. I am praying that I don't have a dry socket. But so far so good.
13 October 2008
Halloween crafts!
Witch's Curtain
Black lawn and leaf bag
Lay a heavy-duty black garbage bag flat on a work surface, open end toward you. With scissors, cut 1 1/2-inch vertical strips from the bottom, stopping a few inches from the top. Cut open one side seam, then unfold bag. Use masking tape or tacks to hang. Then, with hands a few inches apart, grasp each strand and pull; stretch strands in several places for a decrepit effect.
First Published: Special Issue 2004--Martha Stewart
Cheesecloth Ghosts
1 package of cheesecloth
Fabric Stiffener
Plastic bag or bowl
Plastic Soda/Water Bottle
3” Styrofoam Ball
2 pieces of 20 gauge floral wire
Masking Tape or Mounting Tape
Plastic Wrap
2 –20 mm (wiggle eyes) Moving Eyes
Optional: Plastic spiders, bugs etc.
- Tape the Styrofoam ball to the top of the bottle cap. Or form a ball from scratch paper and tape to the bottle cap.
- Wrap one end of the floral wire around the neck of the bottle. Bend in the other end and shape wire as desired for arms. Repeat with the other wire on the other side for the other arm. This is your ghost frame.
- Drape the ghost frame figure in plastic wrap.
- Cut cheesecloth into strips double the height of your ghost frame and about 1½” x 2” wide.
- There are two methods to covering the cheesecloth strips with fabric stiffener. You can pour fabric stiffener in a bowl and dip strips in the liquid. Or a less messy way is to place fabric stiffener and cheesecloth strips into a plastic bag. You can work the stiffener into the cheesecloth from outside of the bag.
- When cheesecloth is completely covered with fabric stiffener, place strips over the plastic covered ghost frame. Place your strips at different angles to add more detailed interest to your ghost. Continue adding strips until the ghost frame is completely covered.
- Set aside to dry.
- When the ghost is completely dry, remove from the plastic covered frame. Cheesecloth should be stiff and be able to stand alone.
- Glue on the two moving eyes. For added detail, glue on small spiders and bugs onto the ghost. Display on a table top with spider webs or attach a hanger and hang from the ceiling.
20 Halloween Crafts
K-3 Crafts
Preschool Crafts
More Preschool Crafts
27 September 2008
Go Beavers!!!
19 September 2008
Chandler's Letter word book!
It was so fun. I am missing some pictures of some letters (ah, I just figured out X-xylophone!) but I will get it done this weekend. :)
Here are some pictures of the book!
Chandler took the book to bed with him tonight! It was so cute! We are working on getting his speech more understandable so these are words he can say, but need work (most of them at least).
13 September 2008
A trip to Corvallis!
We took the sojourn to Corvallis this morning to see the first home football game! We saw half the game and listened to the rest in the car. We had a great time! Chandler loved playing with the binoculars that my Dad had in the orange bag that came with us to all games. Lincoln slept for the first part, then drank a bottle. I carried him in the sling, which was a life saver! The Beavers won the game pretty easily and tomorrow morning I will have no problem flying the OSU flag on the suburban. :)
Here are some pictures!
The Beavers taking the field!
Chandler & his binoculars
10 September 2008
First day of school!
Lastly, a shot of Mom and the boys at a party this last weekend.
08 September 2008
Last night before school
Now, Lincoln has his first cold. Poor boy. He's so stuffy. Mom suggested I take him to get his ears checked, so I did (he's gained 10 oz in a week!). His ears are fine. Dr. Miller said it will last a week or so (5 more days). Good thing with Lincoln is that he's sleeping!! He did his first "sleep through the night" Saturday night. Now I, personally, say that's 8 hours w/o waking, some will say 5-6. Nope, I want 8 hours. :) So he did 8.5 hrs Saturday night and then 9 hrs Sunday night!!! WOOT! But I suppose if he's sick, that would be the reason. We'll see, he went down at 8:30 tonight again.
Anyway I will have shots of the boys tomorrow!
02 September 2008
New Ink
Lincoln turned 2 months last friday and today was his 2 month check up with Dr. Miller. He's 13 lb and 23 inches long. He's perfect (his words not mine, but I do agree). He said to keep on doing what we are doing and we'll talk solids at the next appointment... Huh?! Soild food already, no way! This is my little baby, he's not getting that big; so big he's into 3-6 mo clothes, that he's taking 6-8 oz bottles, or sleeping 7 hrs at night. Yes, I am getting nostolgic, but you mommies know when it's your last you have to savor all of the baby stuff.
Which brings to the news that we are officially done, permantely, if you catch my drift. ;) I am happy it's all taken care of. I really love the boys but I am so happy we have just the 2 and we can go 2 on 2. We were blessed with very sweet boys (granted Chandler is still adjusting to Lincoln's arrival). I am very thankful that I have an understanding hubby that will do things that are not comfortable, especially when the novacaine doesn't work.
Chandler starts preschool this week, back at the school district. Then he's at St. Andrew Preschool next week. I can't believe he's going back. I am glad though, I think he'll start to get back to the sweet boy that he was prior to Linc's arrival. But we will see. His class at Church has only 3 kids to 2 teachers, so it will be great for him.
I will post when he's back into school and we have first day of school pics.