27 September 2008

Go Beavers!!!

Holy Cow! What a game!
I am still shocked 2 days later! We got there 5 minutes into the game and Rob swore by the time we got to the seats that USC would have the ball on the 20 yard line and be ready to score! HA! He was so wrong!!
It was a game I will never forget! Seeing Quizz Rodgers just blow through the USC defense, running for over 180 years. It is just unreal. I wish my Dad were here to see it, he would be reliving his college days. Talking about the "Mud Bowl" when the Giant Killers showed OJ Simpson's Trojans who can be the #1 team! How he drank for 3 days and couldn't walk straight to class. :) But I hear his story in my head and heart and know that I will have another story to tell my boys... About how the 26 point underdogs had the heart to beat the #1 team in the country, and do it well. How the crowd of 8,000 students stormed the field with 2:30 left in the game; reminding me of the 1998 Civil War.
I will never forget this amazing Oregon State victory. And I will annoy my children about it like my dad "annoyed" me.

19 September 2008

Chandler's Letter word book!

Thanks to Allie's blog, http://www.notimeforflashcards.com/ we spent an hour shooting pictures around the house last sunday while Rob played poker. Then I broke out the printer and printed out the shots. I gathered an extra binder, sheet protecters and cut some scrapbook paper into 8x11 sheets. I got the letters at Target's dollar spot.
It was so fun. I am missing some pictures of some letters (ah, I just figured out X-xylophone!) but I will get it done this weekend. :)
Here are some pictures of the book!

Chandler took the book to bed with him tonight! It was so cute! We are working on getting his speech more understandable so these are words he can say, but need work (most of them at least).

13 September 2008

A trip to Corvallis!

We took the sojourn to Corvallis this morning to see the first home football game! We saw half the game and listened to the rest in the car. We had a great time! Chandler loved playing with the binoculars that my Dad had in the orange bag that came with us to all games. Lincoln slept for the first part, then drank a bottle. I carried him in the sling, which was a life saver! The Beavers won the game pretty easily and tomorrow morning I will have no problem flying the OSU flag on the suburban. :)
Here are some pictures!

The Beavers taking the field!

Rob & Lincoln
Lincoln & I

Lincoln in the sling

Chandler & his binoculars

10 September 2008

First day of school!

Tuesday, September 9th, 2008-Chandler's first day of Preschool at St. Andrew. Written in the baby book and pictures taken. First art project done, first circle time, first snack time prayer, first song... all these firsts. It's crazy, I guess I am so used to "no more firsts" with him, since he's three, but wow, what a week.

He went to school at 1 pm, and had time to play in the class room (legos, animals, arts & crafts), then he did a hand print art project (he wouldn't paint his hands so we traced). Then he sat on the red square for circle time where they sang a song and read a story. Then we (the parents-who were there for orientation) left to meet with the head teacher and the director of the school. The kids (all 5, such a small class) ate snack (after saying grace) and then played more. We left at 2:40 or so. He had a great time! He didn't want to leave! He picked a Literacy bag-which is a book, prop and an activity, to take home. He chose Two Cool Cows to read. I think because he can say the title. :)

He can't wait to back next week (he only had 1 day this week). We will be doing a bunch of fun things in school-Thanksgiving dinner, Jesus' Birthday Party, Pajama Party, Mom & Me Tea, Field Trips to the community pumpkin patch (on school property) and to the Beaverton Library.
Today we celebrated Mom & Michelle's birthdays at Outback. It was a nice dinner but more fun seeing everyone together.
Auntie opening her rockstar poster of Lincoln's birth announcement.

Lastly, a shot of Mom and the boys at a party this last weekend.

08 September 2008

Last night before school

Well, tonight is the night before...school! Chandler's so excited to go, it's silly. He's walking around with his back pack on saying "go?" I feel bad that I have to say we are waiting until tomorrow, since he's so excited. The only thing that's making me sad is that he's got a runny nose (so does Lincoln, see below). And I am thinking it's just a runny nose nothing more, since he's totally normal. He's just not eating as much as normal. But we will go anyway, since there isn't a fever. He has speech therapy (ST) in the morning and then a short day of pre-school. I will post pics tomorrow!

Now, Lincoln has his first cold. Poor boy. He's so stuffy. Mom suggested I take him to get his ears checked, so I did (he's gained 10 oz in a week!). His ears are fine. Dr. Miller said it will last a week or so (5 more days). Good thing with Lincoln is that he's sleeping!! He did his first "sleep through the night" Saturday night. Now I, personally, say that's 8 hours w/o waking, some will say 5-6. Nope, I want 8 hours. :) So he did 8.5 hrs Saturday night and then 9 hrs Sunday night!!! WOOT! But I suppose if he's sick, that would be the reason. We'll see, he went down at 8:30 tonight again.

Anyway I will have shots of the boys tomorrow!

02 September 2008

New Ink

My newest addition to the ink I have already! I got Lincoln's name inked onto my left wrist. It matches Chandler's tattoo (except his is blue). I had it done by Lew at Atlas Tattoo in North Portland. He was awesome. He had a 1 month old at home and so we had plenty to chat about! I felt like I was getting the pidly little tat done since there were 4 other people getting massive tats.

Lincoln turned 2 months last friday and today was his 2 month check up with Dr. Miller. He's 13 lb and 23 inches long. He's perfect (his words not mine, but I do agree). He said to keep on doing what we are doing and we'll talk solids at the next appointment... Huh?! Soild food already, no way! This is my little baby, he's not getting that big; so big he's into 3-6 mo clothes, that he's taking 6-8 oz bottles, or sleeping 7 hrs at night. Yes, I am getting nostolgic, but you mommies know when it's your last you have to savor all of the baby stuff.

Which brings to the news that we are officially done, permantely, if you catch my drift. ;) I am happy it's all taken care of. I really love the boys but I am so happy we have just the 2 and we can go 2 on 2. We were blessed with very sweet boys (granted Chandler is still adjusting to Lincoln's arrival). I am very thankful that I have an understanding hubby that will do things that are not comfortable, especially when the novacaine doesn't work.
Chandler starts preschool this week, back at the school district. Then he's at St. Andrew Preschool next week. I can't believe he's going back. I am glad though, I think he'll start to get back to the sweet boy that he was prior to Linc's arrival. But we will see. His class at Church has only 3 kids to 2 teachers, so it will be great for him.

I will post when he's back into school and we have first day of school pics.