29 December 2011

My list...

I saw a post of a blog and she got the idea from one of her friends, and I loved it! For every pound lost, give a reason to have lost that pound! I looked over her list and I agreed with 85% of her list. But I will give you my list, the first 48 of the journey! I look forward when I can list 50, but until then. I start with the this year’s progress!
  1. Sit on the floor comfortably without pinching my nerve in my hip.
  2. Walk through the pew at church without having to side step
  3. Lose the double chin
  4. Rediscover my jaw bone
  5. To shop at any store!
  6. Paint my toenails without having to put my foot up on the counter!
  7. Being able to see what color it is without having to bend over!!
  8. Hold a plank position for more than 1 minute
  9. Do more than 1 real push up at a time
  10. Fit in narrow seats
  11. Not have back fat
  12. Not have my legs touch in the middle
  13. Go jogging for fun, not for a fitness test (high school=nightmares)!
  14. Get to a healthy weight so I can see my future grandchildren!
  15. Find my collarbone and show it off
  16. Not just wear jeans & t-shirts!
  17. Run a 5k
  18. Train for a half marathon
  19. Train for a century bike ride (100 miles)
  20. Have tall boots fit over my calves
  21. Wear heals and not complain the minute they are put on!
  22. Not have my arms wave back at you when I wave
  23. Prove that I wasn’t meant to be FAT!
  24. Earn a Black Belt in Taekwondo
  25. Be smaller than I was as a Freshman in High school (271 lb)
  26. Feel good in my exercise clothes
  27. Have a healthy glow
  28. See my toes from a standing position (I suppose that goes with toenail polish).
  29. Make healthy changes to my favorite recipes because I want to, not because I have to
  30. Wake up ready to go, and not want more sleep
  31. Have more flexibility mentally and physically
  32. Prevent knee surgery
  33. Not be ashamed of myself
  34. Enjoy looking in the mirror
  35. Shop in the "regular" section of department stores
  36. Have positive things to say about myself
  37. Increase stamina
  38. Fit comfortably in chairs at events (ie: giants games,convention center, etc.)
  39. Feel like a legitimate athlete when I am out exercising 
  40. Look like a legitimate athlete when I am out exercising
  41. Inspire people
  42. Take joy in taking care of myself
  43. Try things I’ve wanted to try, but haven’t due to weight.
  44. Know that I'm worth it 
  45. Finally know I DESERVE it
  46. I no longer qualify to be a contestant on the Biggest Loser!!
  47. Be able to be a bone marrow donor on Be the Match
  48. Feel good about donating all the fat clothes! See ya!

So there you have it! The first 48 things in *my list* of reasons to lose this weight! I will try to keep adding to it as I lose. As I close on 2011, and reflect on where I was when I rang in 2011, and where I am now, on the cusp of 2012. I am in awe of myself. For example, when I began in Taekwondo in July, I began learning how to balance on a ball on all fours. I could hardly do it. Now I can do it for 1-2 minutes! Now I am working on getting on just my knees. By the time I test for Black Belt I will need to last 20 seconds. Last week, I was able to do it for 5 seconds! Progress!!! I look forward to sharing more progress in 2012! And in April, I should be moving into the Blue Belt program! So progress continues! Have a very Happy New Year! Much love,