
28 December 2008

Christmas #1

OK, so I flaked on the pictures... My bad! If it's possible to believe me, I just haven't had the time to upload all the pics from the last week or so. Between the snow storm, Christmas, and shopping, it's been tough to get some time to do it... But again, here I sit on my blog typing when I could be uploading. Ah, priorities.

I did hear that we have 6' of snow up at the cabin (just SW of Mt. St. Helen's). They are saying that we cannot go up there because it's too snowed in. I hope that means there will be water in the lake this coming summer!!! I would love to take Chandler on the boat. Go figure I am talking about summer & it's not even 2009! LOL!

Anyway, We had a nice Christmas. Both boys were spoiled! Surprise. Chandler was blessed with lots of plastic-AKA: Batman gear. He also got his own digital camera and dvd player from my mom. My MIL got him a ton of clothes which were very much needed! And socks! WOO! Lincoln got diaper covers (yay) and clothes, lots of clothes. He got a couple toys but let's face it at 6 mo, he needs clothes more than toys.

Rob and I bought a video camera for ourselves. It was a splurge but a nice thing for the boys. We also were given a deep fryer, which Rob tested out today making onion rings and frys for his poker gang.

I truly feel blessed with what we have been given this year (not in physical gifts, but in all aspects of life). We have completed our family, with the addition of Lincoln, which is the best gift of all. I pray that 2009 is as blessed as 2008, with the exception of additonal children (TEE HEE)!

Now we prepare for the OSU bowl game on Wednesday! We play in the Sun Bowl in El Paso, Tx at 5 PM (I think). Go Beavers!!!

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