19 December 2012

Disney World Trip Day 2

Here is our first real day at WDW.
The boys in the hotel lobby

 Sunday December 9th (Day 2): Epcot        
            Our morning started around 8:30, which wasn’t too bad considering our 3 hour time change. We got up, dressed and headed to the food court and grabbed a few cinnamon rolls and some drinks in our refillable mugs. Once we were good to go, we hopped on a bus to Epcot (EP)! We didn’t wait long and got on easily. 
Christmas time at Epcot
Hit the jump to read more!

Disney World Trip Day 1

Here's the first installment of our trip report to Disney World. I was smart enough to begin writing while I was there, so I am able to copy and past these posts from my word doc.
Without further ado, day 1: Arrival!

 Saturday Dec 8th  (Day 1): Arrival/Downtown Disney
This morning we got the boys up at 4:30 AM to head to Denver/Orlando. They got up and were willing to go, but Lincoln wasn’t too thrilled that he couldn’t play with the tablets (something that would be repeated all day-“can I play with the tablet?”) We got to the airport, parked the car so Michelle and Butter could pick it up. Going through security took maybe 20 minutes, which wasn’t too bad. Everyone did fine the first time through, and no chance for any TSA feel ups.
Lincoln reading the aircraft emergency info book
In flight TV, a great invention, along with tablets!

The plane ride from Portland to Denver was fine, a little bumpy coming into Denver, but a nice ride. I really liked Frontier Airlines, the flight attendants were amazing and on this leg one gave the boys free Direct TV on the seat backs.
Hit the Jump to see the video and read more!

05 December 2012

How we are surprising the kids for Disney World

As most of my friends know, we're heading to Disney World! But we are surprising them, so how do you surprise your kids on the biggest trip they will have ever taken!? After researching message boards (thank Dis Boards), Pinterest, other blogs, I decided to mash something up. Thanks is what I came up with:

I made the drawstring backpacks using a pattern found HERE. I used cording/drawstring instead of fabric, but I am happy with how they turned out. I used a light twill for the exterior so they are more sturdy. Inside each backpack they are lined with specific fabric for each kiddo.I did have to re-do the strings since they were too short last time. So from grey to black.
To see all the details, hit the jump!

08 August 2012

Custom Menu Planning Board

I love Pinterest! I know I've mentioned it before, but I get so many outstanding ideas! My latest idea came in the form of "what are we doing for dinner?" and my response being, "I don't know, let's go out." Thanks to that response (in addition to other factors) I've been lacking the weight loss journey. Let's just say, I am maintaining well, but losing is very hard. Knowing that, I have decided we need to plan better for dinner (which is a downfall for our family, calorie and budget wise).

First I planned my week, Hubby works W-F nights, so it needs to be easy and light. Tues & Thurs Chandler and I have Taekwondo training until 6:30, so it has to be quick and easy to prepare or Hubby has to make it (Tuesday only). Mondays are going to be Singing Christmas Tree practice soon, so it has to be easy. So knowing those things. I needed to be able to plan for the grocery shopping and so I don't go crazy during the week.

I got my ideas for a Menu Planning board from here:

 Magnetic Menu Board-Separate side dish magnets.

Meal Planner Menu Board

DIY menu board- She wrote the recipes on the back, BRILLIANT!

I took ideas from each one of these and I am pleased with the results.

Supplies needed:
1 cork board tile, this one is 14x14 (Target, $8 on sale)
18x18 inch square of fabric or size for your board. (I used scrap fabric)
2 18" long pieces of bias tape in coordinating color (I had scrap bias tape)
10 safety pins, the larger size (about 2" long).
Thumb tacks (7-8)
Cardstock in color(s) of choice. ($5 for the pack at Target)
Staple gun with staples
Hot glue gun and sticks
Command Picture Hanger Strips ($9 for assorted pack at Target)
Bound Presentation Binders ($8 ea at Office Depot)
Magazine holder (I had an Ikea one)

Staple fabric to the cork side of the board. I used more staples than I needed, but I wanted it to be nice and tight. For the corners, I just tucked and made it look nice, using strategically placed staples.  Once finished cut extra off.

Using your computer write up all your yummy dishes. I did mine color coded (no loving the blue though). Red=beef, Chicken=Orange, Pork=Yellow, Misc/breakfast for dinner=Blue, Sides=Green, New recipes, going out, babysitter, pizza=White. I cut the strips using my paper cutter. Don't forget your days of the week as well! One thing I will say, on the back of each strip, are the main ingredients for the dish, that way when I grocery plan, I can know what I really need to add to the list. Loved that idea from one of the boards above!

Now that I know how long the strips would be I can attach the biased tape. Do 2 rows, one for main dish and one for side dish. The main dish strip is about 1.5-2" down from the top, and the side dish bias tape is about 7 inches down from the top. Cut your biased tape and wrap it around, pulling nice and tight, and stapling it on the back.
Using my hot glue gun, I attached the days of the week to the very top of the board. Then I used my handy ruler to go vertically, and I put a dab of glue under the bias tape to keep the paper clips from moving over. You can't see it, but it keeps things nicely spaced, in my opinion.

A note about Saturday's in this photo: It says Babysitter (main dish) and Pizza (side dish).
So I know what we need to do for the sitter. EASY!

Add your paper clips (I know I had binder clips in the "Supplies" photo, but they were too stiff, so I changed plans, and I like this result much better). I used white on top and black on bottom. I had them, why not? Underneath the red bias tape is the hot glue dab, can't see it! But it keeps things lined up nicely (I am anal about that).

I used Command Picture Hanger strips to attach it to my cabinet door. So easy and not permanent.

To hold the various menu items, I cut a Crystal Light container in half, then cut a hole in the lid. Then I hot glued the lid to the top to keep it cleaner. I used a scrap of paper to cover it. Attached it to the door with a Command strip. I also used a small square of scrap paper and thumb tacks to make a small pocket on the board itself. It holds the side dish options. I made these in code, like the Magnetic board linked above. Q=Quinoa, B=Bread, P=Pasta/Potato, F=Fruit, S=Salad, R=Rice, V=Vegetable This makes it easy! Normally I give the kids the choice on the veggie, so in addition, they might pick something out in addition, which is fine with me.

Then I went to Office Depot, bought 3 Bound Presentation Binders that held 48 sheets. Divided it up and put all my recipes inside. Then I put them in an Ikea Magazine holder on the counter.

All Finished! And ready to be used! Let me know what you think, by commenting!

07 June 2012

2 years ago!

Two years ago today Chandler had his Tethered Cord surgery at Legacy Emanuel Hospital in Portland. I reflected on his surgery last year, and figured I'd do it again, but this time focusing on his actual growth. You can read last year's here: 1 year later reflections, pt 1 1 year later reflections, pt 2

Since I wrote those two posts, he's blossomed into a kid that is willing to push himself and test his body. He's finishing first grade, is reading with very little help, and getting ready to test for his 2nd degree blue belt in Taekwondo next week. He's a boy who has overcome adversity and did it with a great attitude and smile. I am so proud of this kid!!! You can see below the development of his gross motor skills. From where he could kick 10-12 inches off the ground to where he is now kicking at 4 FEET off the ground/head level!
Chandler's first belt testing at Taekwondo, July 2010.
His first belt test out of Tiny Tigers. August 2011
Chandler doing his Poomsae at belt testing, April 2012. 
Chandler doing his Ax kick drill at his head level!
This is where he is now, from that first picture above!
After that last photo, Chandler and I both passed and started the Blue Belt class, AKA intermediate level! To see where he's been to where he is at, I am so thankful for all that this sport has given him: confidence, strength (both mental and physical), self-esteem, passion, commitment to something, a passion for becoming something, and a love of a sport that is all him! I love that he asks me if we are doing things right or if he needs to work on something.
Blue belts, April 2012

This morning he asked me if he was doing his jump roundhouse correctly, because that is the kick he's breaking his board with next week! I can hardly wrap my head around that he can have the coordination to do it! 2 years ago, he could barely walk up stairs without grasping the rail and really working at it. I love that this is something we do together, but not as a team, but individuals. I love that he knows how to succeed in something that will make him a better boy/man. When he finally earns that black belt, I know when it is tied on him and I will have a tear in my eye, knowing where this brave, kind, gentle soul started out when he was 5 years old.

For all those who supported Chandler (and our family) thank you for your love and support! And to Master Jim Null, you have been the best trainer/coach for him without a doubt! Thank you!!!  Without you he wouldn't be where he is today!


07 May 2012


Last week I did everything right. I tracked, I worked out (not enough, but I did), I drank lots of water and today when I weighed in I was up .2! Gah!!!!! I am so frustrated! Especially when I was down nearly 3 lb yesterday morning! Granted we had hamburgers for dinner last night, which means salt. But still?!

So this week I am keeping with what I was doing. But I am going to change my weigh in days to Friday. But since I have to bring Lincoln with me, I'll just weigh in, but go to meetings still on Monday since most of my friends attend that meeting. I am wondering if weighing in before the weekend will be better, especially since I am normally down the most by Thursday or Friday. I'll give it a month and see if it works. I am just at a loss, because I can't get a loss!

So I'll see how I do on Friday and consider this a bump on the way (a big, irritating bump)!


30 April 2012

I looked back in my WW weigh in logs and have noticed I've been stuck between 53 and 57 pounds lost since February 13th. I think we can say this is a stupid, dumb, inconvenient, stubborn plateau! I am in the midst of massive diet fatigue, caused by this stupid plateau.

Mentally, I think I've been on "vacation" since the Shamrock run. I was so mad that I didn't loose anything after doing the 5k, and I checked out. But I know I cannot afford to do that. I know I haven't been meal planning as much either. However, last week was my 34th birthday. I took the week off, didn't track, didn't care. I ate what I wanted, and how much I wanted. I did make good choices, besides the amazing hamburger that Rob made on my b-day, and the amazing steak I had last night when we celebrated with my family & Uncle Vino. But I had no idea this morning when I stepped on the scale, and was down 1.6!

I think seeing myself hit 57.0 helped make me realize I am 3 lb away from 60. I am mentally ready to hit that number, and it really is just a number. I remember thinking about this when I was trying to hit 10%, way back when. Even with this plateau, I have lost 4.5 inches! So Even when I am not loosing weight, I am loosing fat! So there is the silver lining! Another one is that I am now a blue belt in Taekwondo, check the tab above for some photos.
Until next week (I hope)!


18 March 2012

Shamrock 5K Run 2012

32,500 runners & walkers!
Lucy, Chandler & I
In January I decided to do a 5k, why not Shamrock? It was 3 months away; it would be spring, pretty, I'd have time to train, and it was time to set a deadline for myself. Today I completed it. I can check that off the list! I was hoping for a faster time, but hey that gives me plenty to improve on! It was NOT warm and spring like. More like old man winter had other plans. All week there have been threats of snow on Sunday morning; SNOW?! So yesterday I was buying gloves that were not of the ski variety, finding a beanie that I could wear, bought some ear cover band (I don't know what the technical word is). Last night I game planed the wardrobe. Compression shorts over running pants (all dri-fit), sports bra then layered a polyester cami, Shamrock shirt, then Aim High (Representing our team- Hey Yo!) shirt. Grabbed my TKD belt (hey it's green) and threw that on. I was all set. I got my phone loaded with an hour worth of tunes, and crashed with the help of Advil PM.

This morning I got up (with Chandler since he was going to do the 1k lap) got all that stuff put on and was ready to jet. Grabbed my morning cup of coffee at Dutch Bros and we were on our way. Figuring it would be easier to get to downtown, we took HWY 26 to Market Street. WRONG MOVE MELISSA!!!! We got so stuck with all the 8k and 15k runners. Needless to say Chandler and I had to get out of the car at Barber Blvd. and 6th and walked all the way to Pine and Naito Parkway. That was my warm up... 1.25 miles.

Once the race finally started, the rain stopped and the sun came out a bit. Thank you, God, you're awesome! I had a hard time keeping up with the running. It was just so cold and I was not near warmed up. Just after mile 1 marker I did the turn around and as I was walking by (granted I was power walking as much as I could), I saw a family of 3 standing on the side of the road. I was trying to 1. not be nosy & 2. check and see if they needed help. But what I saw floored me. It was a mom and dad checking on their teenage daughter. The daughter didn't have her lower left leg. She had one of those fancy running prosthesis. I had a hard time not breaking down and crying, NOT for her. But because I was so moved to see someone who had such challenges be out there getting her run on. I was so inspired I picked up my pace as I tried to keep the tears from flowing. It was amazing, what just that family on the side of the road did to me. I know I am told that I am an inspiration to others for what I've done in the last year, but that girl there was MY inspiration to keep going, not gripe about the cold, and finish. After mile marker #2, I was so happy to see Chandler & my uncle Keith watching from the sidewalk!!!! I ran over and gave high fives and kept running! Another inspiration to keep going, being there for Chandler & Lincoln when I am old and (not) grey.

As I was going up Broadway, I was finally warmed up. I jogged a bit more, and as I was passing all the officers directing the (unfortunate) drivers of the various cars, I thanked each one of them for keeping us safe. I know it seems silly, but those guys are keeping us (runners/walkers/crazy people in banana costumes) from being road kill. Before I knew it I was at Salmon! Down hill from then on! I was trying to not kill myself, so I kept up with the power walking/jogging intervals. By the time I saw the mike #3 marker, I had to get, yet another, photo!  As I turned on to Natio Pkwy, I was ready to cross the finish line! I was ready to turn in my chip and head to see Chandler.

.1 mi to go!

Another 1/2 mile hike to the car (back up past broadway, LOL), and we were on our way! Total miles logged for Sunday 5.17 mi. I am toast! But I took Advil, a bunch of Sportenine (Info on this awesome Homeopathic medicine HERE), been hydrating and had a great sub from Jimmy John's. I am going to read a book and hang out with the family! Weigh in day is tomorrow, I hope this workout doesn't kill the weigh in.


05 March 2012

End of February recap-How'd I do?

I am trying to track my measurements, weight, BMI, etc each month. And I figured I'd recap it.
Started at 282.6 and ended up at 276. I lost 6.6 lb for the month of February. My BMI in January was 45.6 and in February it ended at 44.4! Need to get it to 30... then lower!
Measurements, I lost 6.75 inches this month for a total of 50.75 (for most measurements since the beginning) and an additional 3.75 in new locations I just started tracking this year! For a total of 54.5 inches! That's almost 5 feet! Holy shit!!! I am happy with that! :)

Rob and I going out for our 8 year anniversary.
Some things I have been having trouble with, is having the motivation to run. I've been really slacking on my C25k training and guess what?! It's in less than 2 weeks!! AGHHHHH! I am just a *tad* bit nervous. But I've heard the Shamrock Run is so busy and distracting that the 3 miles will fly by, I hope so. I did belt test and am now a Senior Green belt! 7 weeks away from being in the intermediate class for Taekwondo! Excited about that! Below is the video of my board break. I love Ax kicks!

Goals for March. Loose 5 inches, hit 271.2 on the scale, and  finish the Shamrock Run (goal of 45 minutes, but finishing is the main goal).

01 March 2012

"Blue Rajah" Crochet Bracelet

I made this crochet bracelet last night. I think it turned out really well! It was pretty easy to do, but I had never used thread before, so that was a bit different.

I found the pattern on Ravelry,  written by Melody Maria Fulone. The author of the pattern says: "Faint glimpses of Indian culture can be seen in this lacy bracelet. The clear blue color is a classic choice. It is constructed back and forth in rows, and secured with a button. Everyone will be asking you where you bought it, so prepare for compliments!" I think she's totally right. I love it.  I have red thread (number 3 though) but I'll try it again. This time I'll get the one side perfected (I goofed on row 1, I think). 

Basic Supplies needed:
#10 Crochet thread
1.65mm Steel hook
Pattern (free download from Ravelry, but you have to join).



27 February 2012

The List Update & weigh in

Added to the list, which you can read about more here.
A reason for every pound I've lost:
  1. Sit on the floor comfortably without pinching my nerve in my hip.
  2. Walk through the pew at church without having to side step
  3. Lose the double chin
  4. Rediscover my jaw bone
  5. To shop at any store!
  6. Paint my toenails without having to put my foot up on the counter!
  7. Being able to see what color it is without having to bend over!!
  8. Hold a plank position for more than 1 minute
  9. Do more than 1 real push up at a time
  10. Fit in narrow seats
  11. Not have back fat
  12. Not have my legs touch in the middle
  13. Go jogging for fun, not for a fitness test (high school=nightmares)!
  14. Get to a healthy weight so I can see my future grandchildren!
  15. Find my collarbone and show it off
  16. Not just wear jeans & t-shirts!
  17. Run a 5k
  18. Train for a half marathon
  19. Train for a century bike ride (100 miles)
  20. Have tall boots fit over my calves
  21. Wear heals and not complain the minute they are put on!
  22. Not have my arms wave back at you when I wave
  23. Prove that I wasn’t meant to be FAT!
  24. Earn a Black Belt in Taekwondo
  25. Be smaller than I was as a Freshman in High school (271 lb)
  26. Feel good in my exercise clothes
  27. Have a healthy glow
  28. See my toes from a standing position (I suppose that goes with toenail polish).
  29. Make healthy changes to my favorite recipes because I want to, not because I have to
  30. Wake up ready to go, and not want more sleep
  31. Have more flexibility mentally and physically
  32. Prevent knee surgery
  33. Not be ashamed of myself
  34. Enjoy looking in the mirror
  35. Shop in the "regular" section of department stores
  36. Have positive things to say about myself
  37. Increase stamina
  38. Fit comfortably in chairs at events (ie: giants games,convention center, etc.)
  39. Feel like a legitimate athlete when I am out exercising 
  40. Look like a legitimate athlete when I am out exercising
  41. Inspire people
  42. Take joy in taking care of myself
  43. Try things I’ve wanted to try, but haven’t due to weight.
  44. Know that I'm worth it 
  45. Finally know I DESERVE it
  46. I no longer qualify to be a contestant on the Biggest Loser!!
  47. Be able to be a bone marrow donor on Be the Match
  48. Feel good about donating all the fat clothes! See ya! (Dec 29, 2011)
  49. Enjoy food knowing it's healthy
  50. Seeing that I am more flexible than I was 8 months ago
  51. Not seeing a number before the letters "XL" (in mens). 
  52. Look in the mirror and enjoy the reflection!
  53. To not follow my dad in passing away early.
  54. Be able to run around with the kids and NOT gasp for breath.
  55. Have energy to do the things I want to do. (February 27, 2012)
I have neglected my list, and a friend (Lisa) updated hers, reminding me to update mine. I was happy to have to add 7 items. It's going to get tougher to add as I go. But I'll try to focus inward to find a worthy item to list. It's part of the "healing" process and acceptance of change!

I lost .6 lb this week, which I am happy with. I haven't been running as much as I should be. And I am going to work on busting through the week 4 "plateau!" I have a run in 20 days and I need to focus! I am starting to get nervous about it. But as I figured out in my Weight Watcher meeting today, I am not going to win the race; that's not my goal. My goal is to finish. But my true goal is to do it in 45 minutes, a 15 minute mile/4 MPH average. When I signed up, I also signed up as a runner, which gets me a chip timer. So I'll know! :) 

The other thing I've done is registered for the March of Dimes 10k walk (6.2 miles) in late April. I am probably nuts, actually I know I am. Especially since I was planning on doing the Cinco de Mayo 5k. Hmmm. But I have a great friend who's running the team and it's such a great cause. Want to donate? Click here, please!  So in addition to my crazy loco ideas about running, I am starting to mentally think about riding my bike. I am actually looking forward to spring and when it warms up enough to ride outside. But if it's going to snow, please do it soon! I really would like to see some before I hit the 2 wheeler. LOL. 

Also in TKD news, Chandler and I belt tested last week. We are now Senior Green belts. I broke my board on the first try with the Axe Kick. Got an A on Il Jang and A- on my 2nd form, Sa Jang. So I received Decided tape and Silver tape for my 2nd form. I am very pleased! Next up is Blue Belt, and offically graduating out of the "beginner" level classes


17 February 2012

Lego Birthday Invite-How to!

I am working on Chandler's 7th (gasp) birthday party. It's a Lego theme. :) No surprise there. So after playing and having a ton of "waste my time" time on Pinterest (what?! You don't know what I am talking about?! You must find out what this amazing, awesome, place is, like yesterday!) I found some ideas for his party. Here's my board, you can find some ideas here, need an invite (It's invite only), leave a comment. I'll hook you up. Melissa on Pinterest

Card-stock in kiddo's favorite color or Lego colors (yellow, red, blue)
Photo printed
Paper cutter
2" diameter circle cutter or circut
Black thin Sharpie
Foam Adhesive circles
Double sided tape

Chandler's invite is a 5x5 inch square of  card-stock (scrapbook paper I had laying around, in yellow). I snapped a photo, and edited it in a graphics program (Fireworks CS3). He's holding a Lego Base Plate with Legos around and the number 7 in the center (Thank you Pinterest). I played with the photo, composition and how I wanted it to look. I shot him on the patio and I was up on a chair. I knew I needed the shot to crop to 4x4" square. I think I took 25 shots. I did my editing magic making him black and white and keeping the Lego 7  in color. Sent to Costco, had them printed on 4x6, and then cut them down to size. Then I used some double sided tape to attach. This was the easy part. I added "Chandler is" to the top since I figured, I should make it a bit more obvious. ;)

I bought some Foam Adhesive Circles at Michael's to give the Lego Stud 3D effect.

I also bought a 2" diameter circle punch to cut out 70+ circles. Much easier and worth the $8-10! If you have a Circut, then you could use that I am sure. I just don't have one, yet. LOL. You can see above how the back part of the invite is done.

I wrote all the details on the circles with a thin black Sharpie. Yes, hand written, it does suck, but whatever.  I added 4 foam circles to the invite, making them evenly spaced to give the 4 stud Lego look. The foam circles stick out just enough to give it definition. 

I added a map that I had drew in my graphics program, that included the address of the location as well as my cell if they get lost.

Last but not least, I had some orange envelopes from a previous b-day invite, so I used those. Nice and bright and it set the tone perfectly. Chandler loved his invites. And I loved the photo so much I had Costco print an 8x8" print that I am going to frame for his party. And yes, I am giving myself a pat on the back. :)

Hope you enjoy! If you need a Pinterest invite leave your email and I'll help you out. There are so many great ideas there! Enjoy!

06 February 2012

January's results

Two weeks, no blog. Yep it's bad... I don't know why I don't blog when things get "bad" but I do. I know I need to be held accountable to those weeks, but honestly, I don't feel like doing all the number crunching to give you the actual weigh in numbers. Last week I was up 3.4 lb, this week up 1 lb. Total up 4.4 in 2 weeks. AGGGGHHHHHHHHHH!
Of course this coming week we have a birthday party (I will not eat cake, I will not eat cake, I will not eat cake) and Rob and I will be going out on Sunday night for our Anniversary. Needless to say, I am already worried and it's only Monday afternoon!!! I spoke with Jeannine (my WW leader) and asked her if it's cheating to weigh in on Sunday morning so I can enjoy dinner at Portland City Grill Sunday night. She said yes and that she absolved me of the shame I might feel by weighing in a day early. I love that woman! :) So I will be weighing in at (gasp) 7:30 AM Sunday. So 6 days to diet this week.

On a much more positive note, I did my measurements from the beginning of the year today. I was very happy to see I have lost inches, even though my progress the last 2 weeks has been slacking.
Neck- no change
Bicep (R) -.5" (L) -1"
Forearms (R) no change (L) no change
Bra Strap -2.5"
Chest +1"
Waist -2.5"
Hips +1"
Quad (R) -.35" WOW!!!
Calf (R) -.5"
Total inches lost in January 8.5"!!!  
Weight Lost in January 3.4 lb (eh).

So I will try and keep up the positive attitude and keep my mantra in my head: It's a journey not a race.

23 January 2012

Success along the Weigh

Today I am down 3.8 for a total of 53 lb lost. I am thrilled with that number, shocked really, I figured I'd be down around 52 total today. There is a woman in the blogosphere that has a blog called "Success Along the Weigh" and she's lost over 190lb. Her #1 rule is "Quitting is not an option" and I think it's a great topic for this week.
After last week's 1 lb gain, I made sure I kept on doing what I had been doing, not letting the + get in my head. And by pushing through it's helped! I kept with the same diet, and exercise routine. The only variation I did was yesterday (Sunday) because I have a cold, was pooped and didn't think I could do the C25k run. So instead, I did the elliptical for 30 minutes versus running/walking. I didn't give up, saying "I'm not feeling good" or "I'm too tired to do it" etc. I put on my gym clothes and headed out. I felt good afterwards (especially after stretching-flexibility is improving big time). I had a good calorie burn and got home in time for the end of the game (priorities, right?).

So the summery for the week:
Mon: 2,070 cal / 50 P+
Tues: 2,112 cal/ 55 P+
Wed: 1,872 cal/ 48 P+
Thurs: 1,906 cal/ 51 P+
Fri: 1,944 cal/ 51 P+
Sat: 2,429 cal/ 65 P+
Sun: 1,683 cal/ 44 P+

I earned 64 Activity Points per WW & burned 3,164 Calories per MFP in 313 minutes of activity! So this week, I ate all my weekly points and 14 of my activity points.

I am happy with it, I think I did good. I also weighed in of Friday and had a good weigh in, down 2.4, so today was even better. Goal for this week: repeat week 3 of C25k, I am working on my breathing techniques for the 3 minute runs. I am also seeing Dr. Dennis (new Chiropractor) to have my pelvis adjusted, which should help my knees. And hopefully my cold will be gone soon, so I feel comfortable running again (without gasping for breath). Until next week!


16 January 2012

Muscle gain, yeah, that's it.

Today I weighed in and was up 1 lb (total loss 49.2lb). I am going to attribute it to muscle gain or water retention in the muscles! I was at the gym 3 times last week, doing week 2 of the C25K program, and at Aim High for 3 TKD classes; which I think is the main reason. My body is adjusting to the amount of exercise I am doing. I know it's not what's going in my mouth, since I tracked (really, I did) and was not crazy. I had 1 cheat meal on Saturday for Lucy's 3rd b-day, but that's it.
Here's how the week looked:
Mon: 2,351 cal / 61 P+
Tues: 1,683 cal/ 41 P+
Wed: 1,996 cal/ 44 P+
Thurs: 2,067 cal/ 48 P+
Fri: 1,611 cal/ 48 P+
Sat: 2,468 cal/ 70 P+
Sun: 2,131 cal/ 54P+
I earned 94 Activity Points per WW & burned 3,285 Calories per MFP in 310 minutes of activity!
So I guess the WW Points were high on some days, but that's where I used my weeklies and some activity points. That's what they are for. :)

Tomorrow I start week 3 of the C25K and I am a bit nervous since my knee and shin on my right leg are bothering me. But I think I am out of alignment so I am calling Hector and having an adjustment. Hopefully that will help. If you want to see how I am doing on that training, check the tab above. Thanks for the support! Hopefully next week my body will be adjusted to the new workout routine.


12 January 2012

Ground Turkey Pasta Soup

Finished product, although this is with beef.

Ground Turkey Pasta Soup
Makes about 10 cups Serving size: 1 Cup Calories: 147 Fat: 5 Protein: 12 Carb: 14 Fiber: 2 Sodium: 470 Weight Watchers value: 4 pp

1 lb Ground Turkey (I used Shelton's Free Range)
32 oz (1 Qt) of Tomato Juice
32 oz (1 Qt Water) & 1 1/2 T of Better than Bullion Reduced Sodium Beef Base -OR- Fat Free, Low Sodium Beef Broth
4 stalks of Celery Sliced
3 Carrots Sliced
4 oz of small elbow pasta1/2 t Minced Garlic
1 t Minced Onion
1/2 t Johnny's Season Salt
1 Bay Leaf
1/4 t Black pepper
Brown the turkey in a stockpot, adding garlic, onion and season salt. Drain if you need to. Add celery and let cook with turkey for a few minutes to soften.
If you've never tried Better than Bouillon, it's worth it! Cheaper and easy to use!

Simmering on the stove.
Add the tomato Juice, water and bullion (or beef broth), black pepper and bay leaf. Let simmer until celery is a bit tender. Add carrots and simmer until tender.
I always weigh pasta. This is what 4 oz looks like (2 servings).

Add pasta and cook 8-10 until done but still firm. Cool in fridge and freeze or eat right away, add some shredded or grated Parmesan cheese and enjoy!

Finished ground turkey pasta soup
